Last Seen Online


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About Last Seen Online

Last Seen Online is a point-and-click horror puzzle game that thrusts players into a suspenseful and eerie digital world. Developed with a focus on atmospheric storytelling and intricate puzzles, the game provides a unique and immersive experience.


In Last Seen Online, players find themselves mysteriously logged into someone else's computer, navigating through an unfamiliar digital environment. The point-and-click mechanics allow players to explore various folders, files, and applications, piecing together the narrative while solving challenging puzzles to progress.


The game's chilling narrative unfolds as players delve into the virtual life of the computer's owner. Unraveling the story requires decoding cryptic messages, uncovering hidden files, and solving puzzles that reveal dark secrets. The more players progress, the deeper they venture into a narrative that blurs the line between reality and the digital realm.

Atmosphere and Environment:

Last Seen Online excels in creating a tense and atmospheric environment. The game leverages a haunting soundtrack, minimalist visuals, and clever use of ambient sounds to immerse players in an unsettling atmosphere. Each click and discovery builds suspense, keeping players on the edge of their seats as they explore the digital landscape.

Puzzles and Challenges:

The core of the gameplay revolves around solving intricate puzzles that vary in complexity. These challenges not only serve as barriers to progression but also contribute to the overall storytelling. The puzzles are seamlessly integrated into the narrative, requiring players to think critically and pay attention to the details scattered throughout the virtual world.

Themes of Isolation and Intrigue:

Last Seen Online explores themes of isolation, mystery, and the consequences of delving into someone else's private digital space. The game encourages players to question the boundaries between public and private information in the digital age, creating an experience that is not only terrifying but also thought-provoking.


Last Seen Online is a captivating point-and-click horror puzzle game that immerses players in a mysterious digital narrative. With its atmospheric design, challenging puzzles, and thought-provoking themes, the game offers a unique and spine-chilling experience for players who enjoy unraveling dark tales in the immersive realm of interactive storytelling.

How to play Last Seen Online

Using Mouse and Keyboard

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